Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Vegan Chocolate Pudding

If you love rich chocolate, you'll love this chocolate pudding. 

Healthy Benefits
Soy milk is naturally high in essential fatty acids, proteins, fiber, vitamins and minerals. These nutrients provide energy and keep your body functioning at its optimum level.

One tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa powder contains 3 to 9 percent of the recommended daily intake of iron, manganese, magnesium and zinc. In addition to carrying oxygen, iron helps make red blood cells and is essential for your immune system. Manganese is a component of enzymes that form cartilage and bones, metabolize nutrients and function as antioxidants inside every cell in your body. Magnesium helps produce energy and maintain a normal heart rhythm. Zinc is vital for the production and development of new cells, including immune system cells. Without enough zinc, the number of bacteria-fighting cells goes down and you become more susceptible to illness. 

Ingredients (130 calories per cookie, makes 4 servings)
1-1/2 cup soy milk
3 tbsp cornstarch
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1/3 cup maple syrup

- Whisk all ingredients together in a medium saucepan. 
- Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until pudding is thickened. 
- Pour into individual serving dishes and chill. 

Note to vegan chef
You can add 1/4 tsp of vanilla extract but I left it off because of the alcohol content. I tried swapping the maple syrup for agave nectar but it doesn't work, stay with the maple syrup. You can use almond milk in place of soy and it's fine. When I first started making this I used rice milk and it was good but there's no protein in rice milk so I switched to soy or almond milk.

Recipe modified from Food for Life by Neal Barnard, MD, Recipes by Jennifer Raymond, p278.

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